What is a DOULA?
DOULA (n): An end-of-life doula, also known as "death doula," "death midwife," or "soul midwife," is a non-medical professional who provides support to people who are dying and their loved ones. Death doulas can help with the emotional, psychological, spiritual, physical, and practical aspects of death and dying. They can also help families cope with death by recognizing it as a natural part of life. While the term is traditionally associated with women, a doula may be of any gender.
A DOULA's PRIMARY GOAL is to improve the quality of life of, reduce stress for, and provide comfort to the dying, their friends, and family members.
WHY a DOULA? Preparing for death is a challenging and important process. Many of us avoid planning and wait until the last moments. Thus, we are not as prepared for death as we could be, which can emotionally and practically challenging. End-of-Life Doulas understand many aspects of the end of life process and can help to transform it into an experience that has comfort, meaning, and a quality of sacredness.
WHAT DOULAS DO • Facilitate Advanced Directives and Advance Care Planning • Educate on Body Disposition Options • Facilitate Life Review, Ethical Will, and Legacy Projects • Provide Non-Medical Personal Care • Support the Dying Person and Family • Facilitate Acceptance of Death • Provide Practical, Emotional, and Spiritual Support • Listen Deeply to the Client and Family • Advocate for the Client’s Wishes • Educate the People Involved • Incorporate Ceremony and Ritual • Assist in Resource Development • Support Grieving Throughout • Acknowledge Signs of Imminent Death • Arrange the Space, Bedside Vigil
BENEFITS of DOULA CARE • Greater Comfort for the Dying • Improved Communication • Earlier Emotional Support • More Attention to Client’s Wishes • Increased Support for Family/Friends • Improved Peace of Mind • Better Continuity of Care • Time for Life Review and Legacy Projects • Relaxation and Peace of Mind • Ritual and Ceremony to Soothe and Comfort • Bedside Vigil for Connection • Deeper Acceptance of Death • Grief Support to Prevent Isolation